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Sonia Sanku

Navigating Midlife Transitions: The Transformative Power of Midlife Crisis Coaching

Updated: May 17

A midlife crisis can strike even the most ostensibly happy individuals with thriving careers, loving families and the most comfortable lifestyles. And when it strikes - one starts grappling with a deep sense of restlessness and dissatisfaction. And not only is this phenomenon not recognised, but it is also stigmatised by those closest to you. In this blog, we delve into this under-researched area, explore potential causes and how you can shake yourselves off this malaise. 


The term "midlife crisis" often conjures images of drastic career changes, impulsive car purchases, or an unquenchable thirst for youthful adventures. However, beneath these stereotypes lies a profound period of transition and self-reflection. This phase, typically occurring between the ages of 40 and 60, can be a time of significant emotional, psychological, and social changes. This is where midlife crisis coaching steps in – a specialised approach that provides guidance and support to individuals navigating this complex stage of life.

Understanding the Midlife Crisis:

A midlife crisis is not merely a period of whimsical changes but a significant phase of introspection and re-evaluation. It often arises from the realisation that life is finite and that one may not be living in a fully satisfying or meaningful way. This period can be marked by various emotions, from uncertainty and dissatisfaction to a deep longing for change.

Common triggers include ageing, career stagnation or dissatisfaction, changes in physical health, and shifts in personal relationships, such as children leaving home or dealing with ageing parents. These triggers can lead to questioning one's achievements, goals, and even the purpose of life.

Deep Dive

A comprehensive study led by Professor Andrew Oswald from The University of Warwick(reported in the HBR), utilising a national survey from the UK, has uncovered significant insights into the dynamics of midlife crises, especially in the context of job satisfaction. 

The study reveals two key findings about job satisfaction: First, there's a significant decline in job satisfaction during midlife, a common experience among workers. Second, there's a noticeable rebound in job satisfaction after midlife, often exceeding earlier levels, resulting in a U-shaped satisfaction curve throughout a career.

This study provides a crucial understanding of the midlife crisis, portraying it as a universal, predictable pattern rather than an irregular or individual misfortune. Such insights are vital for individuals navigating their midlife and organisations striving to support their employees through this phase.


The HBR cites an analysis of a longitudinal German survey from 1991 to 2004, which tracked the life satisfaction of 23,000 individuals, revealing key insights into the midlife crisis phenomenon. Young adults, overly optimistic, often anticipate increasing life satisfaction, failing to foresee the decline along the U-curve. As they age, unmet expectations in careers and personal lives lead to a period of "double misery," characterised by disappointment and diminishing aspirations.

This is particularly acute in those who objectively have less reason to feel discontent, creating a paradox of dissatisfaction. However, around the mid-50s, a realignment occurs where expected and current life satisfaction levels converge. People learn to accept their life's trajectory and feel less regret, leading to increased satisfaction in later years.

This pattern, consistent across socio-economic statuses, genders, and cultural backgrounds, suggests that midlife crises are a natural, biologically driven process rather than a consequence of specific life circumstances. Thus, drastic career changes may not necessarily improve satisfaction, as this U-shaped pattern in life satisfaction is largely independent of external factors.

The Role of Coaching in Midlife Crisis:

Midlife crisis coaching is a process that helps individuals navigate this challenging phase. A midlife coach acts as a guide, sounding board, and supporter, assisting clients in exploring their feelings, identifying their desires, and making constructive changes.

Self-Discovery and Clarity:

  • The first step in midlife crisis coaching is self-discovery. Coaches use various tools and techniques to help clients understand what they truly value and desire at this stage of their lives. This process often involves reassessing one's goals, values, and passions.

Addressing Fears and Limiting Beliefs:

  • Midlife can bring a plethora of fears and limiting beliefs to the surface. Coaches work with clients to identify and challenge these beliefs, creating a pathway for positive change and personal growth.

Exploring New Possibilities:

  • Coaches encourage clients to explore new possibilities and avenues, whether a new career path, hobby, or lifestyle change. This exploration is essential for clients to rediscover excitement and passion in their lives.

Creating an Integrated Approach:

  • A key aspect of coaching is helping clients find balance. This might involve actively integrating one's career ambitions holistically with personal well-being or finding harmony between family responsibilities and personal aspirations.

Setting Goals and Taking Action:

  • Coaches assist clients in setting realistic and achievable goals. More importantly, they provide the accountability and support needed to take action and make those goals a reality.

Success Stories in Midlife Crisis Coaching:

Success stories abound in the realm of midlife crisis coaching. From individuals who have transitioned to entirely new careers that align more closely with their passions to those who have rediscovered their love for long-forgotten hobbies or embarked on journeys of physical and mental wellness, the outcomes can be profoundly transformative.

Overcoming Common Challenges:

Midlife crises are often accompanied by common challenges, such as societal pressures, fear of the unknown, or feelings of guilt for wanting to pursue personal desires. Coaching helps individuals navigate these challenges by providing perspective, challenging societal norms, and reinforcing the importance of personal fulfilment.

The Impact of Coaching on Relationships:

Midlife transitions can significantly impact personal relationships. Coaches can play a vital role in helping individuals navigate these changes, ensuring their pursuit of personal fulfilment also considers the well-being and dynamics of their relationships with partners, children, and friends.

The Long-Term Benefits:

The benefits of midlife crisis coaching extend far beyond the immediate resolution of a crisis. They include greater self-awareness, improved mental health, a renewed sense of purpose, and, often, a more fulfilling life trajectory.

Choosing the Right Coach:

Selecting the right coach is crucial. It's important to find a trained and certified coach (ICF is the gold standard) who specialises in midlife transitions and with whom one feels a strong rapport. A good coach should be empathetic, knowledgeable, and able to provide both challenge and support.


Midlife crisis coaching is not just about navigating uncertainty; it's about transforming it into a period of growth and fulfilment. It offers a unique opportunity to pause, reflect, and redirect life's path in a more aligned and purposeful direction. With the right support and guidance, the midlife crisis can catalyse a more satisfying and meaningful second half of life.

In summary, midlife crisis coaching provides invaluable guidance for those at a crossroads, offering tools for introspection, goal setting, and personal transformation. It's a journey of rediscovery and empowerment, enabling individuals to embrace their midlife transitions with optimism and confidence.


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